Beat the winter dryness of your skin!!
The season has changed from humid summer to dry winter rapidly.
How is your scalp condition?
We recommend you to try “Scalp Healing Warm”.
Many men have shorter hair and therefore the temperature and humidity have huge influence on their scalp.
If the pores are clogged with poor blood circulation because o the dry and coldness,
the cells which grow your hair will not work well enough.
Natural clay is used in Spa gel massage to cleanse your scalp and it will also supplement minerals and moisture.
Moreover, the massage will stimulate blood circulation and flow of lymph so that your metabolism will be improved.
Jojoba oil in the gel will help remove dead skin and cleanse the scalp then help moisturize the skin.
This treatment will give you a nice and warm feeling and better blood circulation.
And!! Head gear massage to stimulate hair matrix cells!!
Taping and pressing of head gear massage will stimulate blood circulation and
moderate vibration is will stimulate hair matrix cells to promote your hair growth.
By massage, your scalp will be softer and it will relieve tension of head and neck, it may even help
you release your stress from work and fatigue.
Keeping healthy scalp means healthy and strong hair growth.
Healthy hair will be strong enough to bear the coloring and perm.
Warm Gel Head Spa includes haircut, eyebrow trimming, shampoo, scalp steaming, head gear massage, and styling. The price is ¥6,580.
Cold and dry season is just ahead of us. Why not try “Scalp Healing Warm”, it will give you nice and warm feeling.
We are looking forward to having you with us.